Roswell Wake Air has launched CSP 1-13 to help repair any "Deluxe Mirror" sold during the 2012 Model Year. Roswell has discovered that the some mirrors can lower on their own during certain conditions whileboating. While the mirror is designed to hold its position using a clampingforce it has been noted that the available clamping force is not always enoughto hold the mirror up. We have looked into this and discovered the need ofthicker inserts for the mirror extension and 3 way swivel on some mirrors. Weare making available at NO COST these inserts to Nautique dealers. The originalinsert was 1.6mm and the two new sizes are 1.8mm and 2.0mm. These parts arecurrently being packaged and should be ready to ship to your dealer from Nautique soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you. If you have any questions regarding this or any Roswell Wake Air parts made for Nautique feel free to contact me at