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Are you getting this code on the dash or with a scan tool? Which engine? The starter not engaging could be the solenoid or relay going bad. I doubt saftey lanyard if it is throwing a code but always good to check that. check your grounds as well.
2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230
1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)
Which engine are you running? Based on the year, I am guessing it is a MEFI-4 based engine. I have a copy of the PCM MEFI diagnostics manual which may help, just PM me your e-mail address.
The MEFI requires a Cam and Crank sensor. It will check that signal and if it isn't getting one it will throw an error and not let the engine start. My guess is that it is something like that.
There are a number of different DTC codes that can be read with a scanner. Those codes will tell you the difference between a coil failure or a crank sensor. My guess is that the gateway box just lumps those all into "Ignition Failure", but there is no DTC code for that.