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I found that the Mequires Vinyl Cleaner was great as well!
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Current Boat --> 01' Air Nautique (April 12' to current!)
Previous Boat - 93\' Ski Nautique Closed Bow ( Sept' 09 to March 12')
I use babe's seat cleaning with a scrub brush. Spray, scrub wipe...repeat. It gets everything out. I think the trick my by to use the scrub brush with the bristles that get in and pull the dirt out.
X2 for me, I've had great luck with the Babes line up. Once I scrub and get everything to where I'm happy, I'll hit the vinyl with the Babes Conditioner.
ZCare LVP Mareine -- http://zcare-cleaners.com/z-care-lvp-cleaner/
Recommended by G&T Industries (Correct Craft's vinyl supplier)
I spray, then add a wet iron brush (from bucket of water) with soft bristles, and scrub. The extra water makes a solution, and cleans better than just the straight ZCare.
Always follow-up with 303, and don't cover the boat for a few hours after putting the 303 on either.
I just used a sample pack of this on mildew stains and was amazed; worked better than bleach! I bought the boat with a completely mildewed interior thinking I would replace it so I've been trying different things but the mildew seems to be down into the vinyl. Just ordered a bottle and if it works as well as the sample (and the vinyl does not evaporate) then I can save the whole interior. Label said its all natural and harmless but only time will tell