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Can someone video the water output of your hotwater shower system?
Can someone video the water output of your hotwater shower system?
Water comes out of mine like a limp willy. Something is fubar....I think. Like to see what other pumps are producing. Did an archvie search and found nothing related to R&R the pumps. Can I really be the first person?
Should come out pretty decent so long as all connections are tight. can u take the spray head off? My guess is it might be clogged with lake junk and mineral build up.
Should come out pretty decent so long as all connections are tight. can u take the spray head off? My guess is it might be clogged with lake junk and mineral build up.
Must be the pump or water supply then. U could trouble shoot the pump by taking off it's input source and sticking that in a bucket of water to see how she pumped. If that's it order a new pump, if not recheck connections for air leaks. This is what I'm using:
Flojet 03526 144A Triplex Diaphragm 3526 Series Automatic Water System Pump by Flojet http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002P33KVQ/..._p6hGtb1R26P6S
Well, did a bit of a field strip and observed some issues.
- scaling in the hot water feed, mostly at the temp mixing value. Think I blew most of that out.
- pinched with a zip tip cold water feed. Pulled the zip tie out but the hose still has some amount of kink in it
Generally, I get decent hot water feed but the cold water feed is spurty.
I can clearly hear the pump generate pressure...shut off...then turn on when I release the valve. But I seem to have some sort volume problem. Next is to pull the temp mixing valve and out inspect it closely.
Where does one look for leaks? I did tighten up / verify all the clamps were tight. Nothing discovered there.....