I have a 2004 SAN with 660 hrs. Over time the original knock sensor sort of deteriated. On the port side of the engine down towards the bottom under the sparkplugs - this is where the knock sensor is. When I replaced it with a new one I continue to get this failure message on the dash and it says take it to a dealer. I don't hear anything different than before, no knocks, pings, etc... Engine runs GREAT. Outside of maybe getting a bad sensor is there something else I am not thinking about?
Did you install it with any thread sealant or tape? If so that could be the problem, otherwise I have no ideas.2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
What motor is it Ford or GM? You should have 2 knock sensors, were both replaced? Even new sensors could be bad and then there is also the harness and the ECM or PCM or whatever they call the generation of computer you have that could be the culprit.
For most GM knock sensors you could through a multi-meter on them, resistance should usually be somewhere between 93-107 kohms and when there is a knock they should output ac voltage you can tap on the side of the block and see if you get any readings from each of them, they should be about the same, if not you should be able to find the culprit. If you can figure out what wire it is at the ECM you can test again from there to rule out any shorts in the line. If everything else tests out fine I would probably replace them both again before trying to replace the ECM.
I only replaced the one knock sensor just behind the starter and the belts on port side of engine. There is only one wire attaching to the knock sensor and Active Water Sports said I had to bring it to them to clear the computer - it takes a special something? Is there an odbii plug because I could not find it? I have a scanner that I can use to reset but couldn't find the port. The engine runs perfect and the only other thing i did was replace the fuel filter - no issues there. If I plug the old sensor in the error clears - but that sensor is half eroded away. It is torqued to correct specs and I did not use any teflon tape or any other sealant. I still have the error even after letting it sit with batteries disconnected for hours... any help is appreciated.
Check the resistance with an ohm meter from the single pin input to the ground "threads" on both sensors. If the old one clears the code, then the new one should have the same resistance or it is the wrong part, if I am thinking right. Haven't ever tried this, and not sure if it works like a temp sensor, but worth a try.2005 SV-211
I had to have a dealer reset mine with their lap top after I replaced it.2008 Super Air 210 Team
2004 AIR 206 Team
1997 Ski Nautique 196
1993 Ski Nautique SNOB
Don\'t let yourself get old and say, \"I wish I would have.........\"!
great news!!! As I was playing around with all the buttons I discovered that after pushing and holding the "M" button on the left gauge for 30 seconds it went away- which is the RPM's and the digital provides voltage, et, etc... The contact dealer message went away and we have had it out three times with no message. Thank you all for all your suggestions and support - not sure if this is the "right fix" but it seems to be working.