Hi All, Just thinking about installing Perfect Pass Star Gazer and Z-box on my 2003 Ski Nautique 196 Limited. Has anybody got any tips or recommendations regarding doing the upgrade. Cheers Butch
It's been a while since I installed SG in a 196, but it was really easy! PP will supply you with the proper wiring harness to connect to the Faria Gateway, which is located in the driver's footwell. If I remember correctly, it was as simple as a wiring harness from the gateway box to the new master module. From the master module, you'll have a harness going up to the display in the dash, and another that connects the GPS puck. I used the supplied Velcro to mount the puck in front of the dash pod, just to the right of the defrost vent, and fished the wired under the dash pod and down to the master module.'08 196LE (previous)
'07 196LE (previous)
2 - '06 196SE's (previous)