2000 SAN GT40 stalling

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  • nautiboat
    • May 2007
    • 80

    • norris tn

    2000 SAN GT40 stalling

    Looking for some help: Boat starts and runs fine, ride a session, stop, engine starts and then shuts down immediately. Temp guage shows 190 - 200 range. Wait 20 minutes, boat starts, runs fine again until it is shut off. Then will not stay running on the restart. When underway the temp gauge shows 170. Replaced the fuel cell filter, examine the fuel pour out for water or other contaminents, = none. Replaced good water pump impellar with new. Going to look at T-stat next. Anyone have a better guess?

    Thanks for your input. Dan
  • jbach
    • Aug 2012
    • 187

    • the state, not the jelly

    • 1999 SAN

    i don't think the t-stat has anything to do with it stalling but it may be running a little hot at 170. check for air leaks and may as well replace the t-stat for the $4 part it is.

    the temp will typically creep up when you shut it down due to the water in the engine that is no longer circulating heating up in a hot engine.

    i know i didn't answer your question, maybe coil heating up beginning to fail?


    • jhersey29
      • Nov 2013
      • 330

      • Colorado

      • 1971 Correct Craft Mustang 1988 Ski Nautique 1992 Ski Nautique 1999 Ski Nautique

      Since you have a long wait. Take the time to open the cover and listen for fuel pump. Fuel pump relay is my guess but not sure until you check it hot. Also the safety switch would do the same thing. Not sure heat would effect the safety switch. The other day I relaced the thermostat and somehow the safety switch connector fell off and boat would start then immediately shut down.


      • nautiboat
        • May 2007
        • 80

        • norris tn

        What am I listening for on the fuel pump? Where about is the fuel pump relay? Where is the safety switch and what is its purpose? Does it keep the engine from running if it thinks it is too hot? Thanks all, I appreciated your time. btw, my new t stat must be way better because it cost alot more...


        • jhersey29
          • Nov 2013
          • 330

          • Colorado

          • 1971 Correct Craft Mustang 1988 Ski Nautique 1992 Ski Nautique 1999 Ski Nautique

          Read parts of the manual below. The picture on page 11 is not exactly correct but is close. Mostly ignore the High Pressure Fuel Pump. The High Pressure Fuel pump is now inside the FCC. The relays are on the back of the motor. You should hear the fuel pump come on when you turn the key. Since it is fine cold listen when it is cold when you turn on the key. When it is warm also listen for the same sound. The safety switch is the lanyard that disables the fuel pump. When that is off the boat starts but just immediately shuts off from fuel starvation. The other switch would be the Water Temperature Switch. It should just put you in S.L.O.W mode(limp home with some power mode) but the engine should run. It sounds like your starting but not staying started? Even if you don't have all the tools it's good to read the manual and diagnostic steps from Section 3 that relate to your issue. Also read page 15. It explains how the ECT sensor could be a problem. If it is bad the air/fuel ratio will be wrong at certain temperatures. Basically the ECT would report the wrong voltage to the ECA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHWpgHMAvY
          shows how to test a sensor. You would just need a pot of water a multimeter and a temperature gauge that works so you know the temperature of the water. Compare the voltage to the water temp.

          My boat is hard to start at times when it's hot but never takes 20 minutes. It only has the problem when someone thinks it started and they let go of the key a bit to early. The engine is then flooded and all we do is put the boat in neutral and move the throttle forward to let some air into the engine and it starts right up. Not sure how to fix my flood issue and it is so rare I can't really diagnose it to a single part. Maybe it's also the ECT.



          • nautiboat
            • May 2007
            • 80

            • norris tn

            So, I replace the T-Stat and also removed and flushed the spark arrester in a pan of gasoline. Surprise how much dirt the spark arrester had in it. The stalling after start up has discontinued. Not certain why.....

