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You mean the lifty ringy thingy? I would call the dealer and ask them I would guess that they know the name and will have replacements. By the way how did it break? Sorry I'm probably not much help...
Well it broke by pulling on it like we're supposed to.
I'll probably have to call the nearest dealer, but they're 2+ hours away.
I was hoping to find an easy web order delivery option, if I could just figure out what
the thing is called... I've googled all sorts of tongue twister word combos with no luck.
I'm sure the name will seem obvious once I find out.
It's basically a clevis pin with a large flat head on top and a split ring on the bottom. I quickly checked McMaster-Carr and didn't see anything close. I just googled "boat hatch pull" and found one that Sea Choice makes and a stainless one that looks almost identical to the original.