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I've hit it with some hard stuff and it won't lighten up, I'm wondering if it's mold or mildew under the vinyl. This boat is only a year old! Any advice?
Not that you want to hear this, but my red vinyl has the same strange discoloration as yours. Mine is an '03. I have tried to clean it, sun fade it, etc. No luck. It is noticeable and not really getting much worse. However, it is frustrating. Use your warranty and see what they say.
i have found a product that works really good on vinyl. It is called LA totally awesome....you get it at the dollar general believe it or not. http://www.dollargeneral.com/product...uctId=11786549
Just use it on a test spot as i dont know how it will act on red.
If you have a tough stain then use it at full strength and then follow it up with a water rinse and then some 303.
I can say that this stuff takes out stains like no other. and it is cheap.
Spencer is correct. Use a stiff plastic bristle brush. That said, I suspect that is mold on the inside of the vinyl, and nothing but the sun has any chance (and it will keep coming back). But try the totally awesome. It's only $1 or $2 dollars.
2000 SAN
1999 Air Nautique
1996 Tige Pre-2000
1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard
Thanks guys, yeah I tried diluted totally awesome on it, than hit it with straight totally awesome (followed immediately with vinyl conditioner) but no change. Hopefully warranty will cover it! I feel like a terrible person though... Maybe I'm not keeping the boat dry enough?
I don't think it is mold. I think it is either reaction with sun tan lotion or something happening to the red vinyl. The white vinyl next to my red looks brand new and red looks weird all over. I wipe down all of the interior after we are done for the day each time we are out.