For a couple weeks now have noticed a "squeak" from the engine compartment. Especially noticed it when turning around to pick some one up when barely giving any throttle. Never would notice it while not in gear. Examined the serpentine belt, 343 exc motor, it was wore and split with belt dust on the engine cover. Never smelt it burning or noticed the boat wanting to overheat. Removed the old belt, all things still moving freely. Bought a new belt, put it on properly, and tensioned. Thought the problem would be fixed. Nope, still doing it. Did some research on here this morning, seems like it could be the impeller is about to go? Have not had a chance to take it out and inspect, but I did buy a new one so when I do, I can just install it while it's apart.
Anything I could be missing? All the pulleys are in line and moving freely.
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Anything I could be missing? All the pulleys are in line and moving freely.
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