Having some trouble with the two rear side compartments doors staying open. I added new shocks they seem to last about a year before they start looking the holding power.
I amthinking about fabricating a two more gas shock mounts on each side to help hold it but to me it just looks like a poor design mostly because after it gets past 1/2 way closed the shocks kick in and actually pull it closed its nice because it holds the door shut but if your not holding them when they close they slam shut really hard.
Was wondering if anyone has happen to modify them the way the 2002s are with the piano style hinges and one gas shock.

I amthinking about fabricating a two more gas shock mounts on each side to help hold it but to me it just looks like a poor design mostly because after it gets past 1/2 way closed the shocks kick in and actually pull it closed its nice because it holds the door shut but if your not holding them when they close they slam shut really hard.
Was wondering if anyone has happen to modify them the way the 2002s are with the piano style hinges and one gas shock.