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I have a relatively new 06 SANTE with a ZR6 and it is the closed loop type. Outside of non-engine related Winterizing (ballests, transmission. Etc) what engine-related Winterizing needs to be done?
On my closed cooled 03, I have to drain the raw water cooled parts: waterpump, strainer, manifolds, heat exchanger, transmission cooler, and vdrive. You should also check the coolant. It should have dexcool in it, which can start to gel(forgot what causes it). I had a dealer do a coolant flush and fill it with fresh coolant when I bought the boat. My manual says the coolant should be changed every 5 years.
I have a question regarding winterizing the XR550. I've looked over the water flow diagram in the PCM manual on what needs to be done. On the transmission and oil cooler it shows a fresh water drain plug. However I cannot find one. Where would they be or is pulling the hoses sufficient?
It looks like the drain might be near the bottom of the photo at a 45 deg angle to the rest of the cooler. Hopefully someone with a newer boat could confirm this.