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I bought a 89 2001 Nautique last night. When I depress the horn switch nothing happens but it is drawing amps. I figure the horn itself is bad. Just needed to know where it is and how to access it to replace it.
Have a look on the starboard (driver's side) air inlet at the base of the windshield. I think you access it from below, there is a collector box, and the horn resides inside. It may be accessible from the outside, but if I remember correctly, it is done from inside the boat.
Sometimes if a horn is left unused for a period of time it actually gets stuck and readjusting the set screw will get it working again, throwing them on the ground also works. The screw is usually located between the horns. Try turning it a little either way while someone is pressing the horn button. The hardest part of about this is getting access to the horns. If all else fails its time to replace them.
I have an 89', and mine stoped working too. The contacts on the rocker switch were bad. You can save yourself some money and get a new single pole, single throw SW at Grainger or Lowes for $5.00 if your SW tests bad.
Thanks for all the input. I think the switch is working. It does drop the amps/volts alot like the horn is stuck. I will check it out when I get it home on Tuesday~!
Thanks again~!~