I bent a blade tip slightly (3/8") on a 4 blade prop this past weeked. I straightened it the best I could, but will probly end up getting it repaired after the season. I do have a 3 blade spare that came with boat originally. BTW...it's a 96 SN, GT-40. My question is, what difference would I see in the wake by putting on a three blade prop? How will it steer differently, if at all? We slalom ski, usually 2 or 3 of us max, and would like the smoothist wake we can get. Power is not a issue. Thanks!
RE: Three versus four blade prop for skiing
I had a '94 SN with the GT40 and 3 blade prop from the factory. I tried a 4 blade OJ when they first came out and didn't like it. Top speed was slower but it was smoother running than the 3 blade. I couldn't tell much difference in the wake or steering, although I'm sure the wake is smoother with the 4 blade. I wouldn't want another 3 blade now, but if I had one and had to use it temporarily I would.