What would you suggest as a four bladed replacement for my stock 3 blade on my Sport Nautique. We wakeboard 95% of the time, with about 1000# ballast.
- Aug 2004
- 34
- Corpus Christi, TX
- Current boat: 2009 210 SANTE Second boat: 1995 Sport Nautique First boat: 1982 2001
RE: Looking for Prop advise.
Wakeside.com suggest a ACME 654 prop (15.0 pitch vs 15.5 with the 422, same diameter for both) for a boat with 1000lbs+ of ballast.
Anyone using this prop? Would be for a Sport Nautique with GT40.Old Boat: 1982 2001
Old Boat: 1995 Sport Nautique
New Boat: 2009 SANTE 210