I recently found a manual for the engine in my 1982 sn2001 and noticed I am supposed to use 93 octane leaded gas. Should I be using some kind of additive or am I ok running 89 octane unleaded gas?
RE: Gas question??
I have an 83 and run 87 octane unleaded with no problems. On the valve cover of my engine it recommends leaded but I don't recall anything about high octane. It won't hurt anything to run a lead substitute.
83 SN 2001
Monster towerBob
83 SN 2001
Monster Tower
RE: Gas question??
Ditto on my 83.The valve cover says 87-93 leaded but unleaded is supposed to have an additive to cushion the valves. If you don't trust it then you can run a lead additive. I have no problems with the 87 octane.I used to run premium but started cutting costs and have had no problems even when running fat sacks.