Heat Riser gaskets

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  • Grant_West
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jul 2003
    • 758

    • Redwoodcity Ca

    Heat Riser gaskets

    I took my boat into theWest Coat Correct Caft this week. Its a Air Nautique with 502 hrs on it. PCM 5.8 GT-40. The service tech (Mark R) noticed that the heat riser's look like they are starting to leak from the outside. He said that this is comon with this motor and that PCM has made 3 differnt versions of heat riser gaskets to try and fix this problem. He said my boat came with the 2nd version of the gaskets and he will install the very latest version. (not under warranty) :???: When he took the heat risers off he noticed that the inner gasket to the heat risers also has started to leak. This is not common and that when the inner gasket leaks it causes water to collect into the cylinder's. This can be very bad. He said when he removed the spark plugs he noticed that there was a bit of rust on one plugs and that told him that there was water in a cylinder at one time or another. They looked in the cylinder and everything is ok no damage but this could have been a much larger problem. if I was to have left the boat unfixed over the winter time, That rust could have built up in the cylinder along with not using the boat in the winter and cause a big problem come spring time when you would start to use the boat again. It was kind of by luck that we caught this problem take a look at you motor and see if the outer gasket is starting to fail. You will know if You can see some rust and water spots where the exhaust manafold meets the heat riser. Thats a good sighn somthing is fishy.

    This along with some other things he found might be the cause of my mistrey Motor Quits problem?
  • todda
    • Jan 2005
    • 281

    • Granite Falls, WA

    • 1999 SNOB

    RE: Heat Riser gaskets

    Yep, I had a buddy with another not-to-be named inboard that had his riser gasket fail, and BIG problems came of it. Water in the cylinder being the biggest problem, and not an inexpensive fix. A VERY worthwhile maintenance thing to pay attn too! I have the GT-40 in my 99 SNOB, and I too pay close attn to those little bugger gaskets.

    Todd Aalbu
    1999 SNOB
    66.5" HO S2


    • M3Fan
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Jul 2003
      • 1034

      RE: Heat Riser gaskets

      I just installed the latest version in my 90 last year. They require no gasket sealant of any kind. They have not leaked one drop. Clearly an improved gasket design.

      I'll also say this- I can't tell you how many times I see boats with riser gaskets dribbling rust and water stains down the manifolds. If the gasket is leaking on the outside, it is probably leaking on the inside (which is the part that takes the heat of the exhaust as well). The gaskets cost like 3.00 each and take a half hour to replace. If you are getting dribbles of water on the manifolds, change the gaskets ASAP.
      2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
      2016 SN 200 H5


      • todda
        • Jan 2005
        • 281

        • Granite Falls, WA

        • 1999 SNOB

        RE: Heat Riser gaskets

        Hey M3, do you have the part information or number on the "latest version" of the gasket? Just curious, b/c I would like to do some research to see what version I have used for my GT. I just want to be sure that I am using the 3rd generation gasket rather than let a part's person sell me a 1st or 2nd version. Thanks.

        Todd Aalbu
        1999 SNOB
        66.5" HO S2


        • M3Fan
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Jul 2003
          • 1034

          RE: Heat Riser gaskets

          SkiDim sold me the latest version. They are a graphite compisite of some sort. Quite thick and silvery. Give SkiDim a call and maybe they can help.
          2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
          2016 SN 200 H5


          • EchoLodge
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Jan 2004
            • 616

            • Huntington Beach, CA

            • 99 Super Sport

            RE: Heat Riser gaskets


            Is this the right one? M3, my 90 has a small rust ring around the gasket but it does not drip. They are the original ones I think. I guess I should change them to be on the safe side!


            • M3Fan
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Jul 2003
              • 1034

              RE: Heat Riser gaskets

              That is it. Remember the closed off portion goes towards the back of the boat when you install them. 24lbs of torque. Tighten in a cross-pattern.
              2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
              2016 SN 200 H5


              • EchoLodge
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Jan 2004
                • 616

                • Huntington Beach, CA

                • 99 Super Sport

                RE: Heat Riser gaskets

                Thanks for the advice!

