I have a problem with my transmission, it doesn't go into reverse until the RPM's go over 1000. It seems to work fine going forward. There are two possible reasons I can think of, I just installed PP, and changed the trans fluid. Could the PP be causing this? The boat ran fine with the PP, couldn't be happier about that. I put in the same amount of fluid I took out, and used Dextron III. If its not a fluid problem, could the linkage need adjusting? The last time I used the boat 3 weeks ago everything was fine, so the linkage should be OK. Please help!
Your fluid level should be between the two lines. If you have to, grind the paint off of one side of the stick so that you can see the lines better. More than likely, your connection at the throttle cable came loose. That is located right underneath the flame arrestor. Do you have the right engine selected in the PP? That could throw things off too. Keep me posted and we will get you straightened out. By the way, what number is that signature edition?
It could also be in your throttle linkage adjustment. Its pretty common for it to need adjustment after adding PP. Both boats I have installed PP on needed minor corrections.
You need to look at how long you move your throttle forward before it starts engagin the tranny. Then make adjustments from there.
Also make sure there is no gap between the two cables at the connection on the EFI linkage bracket.2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
There are two cables- your trans cable and your throttle cable. What you may want to do is have somebody watch the top of the tranny where the trans cable attaches to a small lever while you move the throttle backward to put it in reverse. If the lever on the trans finally moves back at the exact same time that it actually goes in reverse, then it could be the cable and not anything major with the trans. If the lever on the trans goes into the R position, and you then have to rev it up before it engages, that would be a problem with the trans.
If it engages in the same place that it usually does, but the RPM is just greater, then it would be throttle cable adjustment as the others said.
Thanks for the help, after reading the responses I think its probably the shift linkage going to the tranny. I'll have to wait until the weekend to work on it again though. Any tips on how to adjust the shift linkage?
By the way, the boat is number 76.\'95 SN Signature Ed.
PP Stargaze
**For Sale**
THis is what i have been told. Disconnect the transmission linkage. Place the throttle lever "in gear". This means in the forward position but no extra gas. Physically push the transmission gear select into the forward gear position. Adjust the nub that connects to the gear select lever accordingly, then reassemble. Good luck.