wondering if anyone has experienced problems with boat damage (gel coat chipping) from the 2002 DHM trailer. The roller has a defective design. please e-mail us if you have.
I know what your talking about. My boat had the roller stop rolling and then the rubber roller got a wear aera in it and it wore threw the roller and dammed the keel on my boat.
First off let me just say the DHM totaly took care of this for me. With out question they fixed it and replaced it with a V pad. I have had problems with my DHM trailer in the past and they have ALWAY"S taken care of what ever need's fixing no question's asked. So I gotta give it up for them. I would of rather not had to deal with it but like they say "Stuff Happen's"
IMO its all about how your delt with after the fact. For that reason DHM is all good.
If you have a roller you dont need a V pad. What you do need to do is make sure the roller is rolling. What causes it to stop rolling is the bolt that runs threw the trailer gets bet, How "I dont know" but when the bolt gets a bend in it the roller gets stuck and thats when the problem's begin. SO what you need to do is make sure your roller is working the way its suposed to if its not rolling you need to replace the bolt and if there is wear to the rooler replace it. Just keep a eye on it and you will be ok.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2005
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- Discovery Bay, CA
- 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)
My buddy is not a member here but has had issues with his 2002 DHM leaving big scuff marks
on his 216. I don't think he's had any gouging, and I believe he has now switched out the roller
to one of those clear rollers to see if that might help.
BKH2001 Super Air
Ihave alos had to deal with the roller problems on a DHM trailer. If DHM will cover it damage, do that. I believe the roller is too high, so more weight of the boat rests on the roller, bends the bolt, and the roller stops turning, wears, and damages the gelcoat. I prefer a larger V-pad to support that area of the boat on the trailer. Trailers with two verticle pads at the front, instead of a roller under the bow eye also are more prone to this problem. the verticle pads do not hold the front of the boat from moving up and down, and as the trailer flexes, it then puts a lot more pressure on the front keel roller.