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Your comparisons to auto and health insurance is correct. However,
the difference is in the magnitude of risk. Insurance, extended warranties, etc. are all about risk management.
Most people are not financially secure enough to take the risk of a catasrophic medical injury or illness. Likewise, most folks aren't financially secure enough to take the risk of a total loss on a 30,40, 50K car.
However, many people can take the risk of the loss of a $6900 engine.
If you can afford such risk, then the economics and averages say it is
a bad deal to buy an extended warranty.
Sorry it took me so long to post the aftermarket warranty I was talking about. Here it is. I saved as "low res" to save space, so you'll need to open each picture using a program that can zoom.
Appreciate your thoughts on whether is worth the $1220 or not. Thanks.
I would very carefully check out Pinnicale before handing over your cash. The warranty itself looks good but what about the company?
How long have they been in business?
The reason I ask is that you are banking that they will still be in business in 3 years time. One of the larger automotive ones just went under last fall, closed the doors, money was gone, policy holders got zero.