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I am a do it yourselfer but have to ask where is the best place to find a pump that works on 12v small enough to mount on top of a bucket but strong enough to suck out the oils?
2013 SANTE 210
2011 Sport 200 V
1994 Bimini Skier Pro 190
1986 Master Craft Pro Star 190
Is there a particular reason you "need" a 12V version? I think most people just use the manual pump version you can get from overtons or west marine, its much cheaper when you catch them on sale. Amazon has both manual and 12V ones, but it seems the 12V ones usually get "poorer" reviews.
I hope that is what it is. If you google that, the list prices come up at about $200. If that is really what you get, please let us know, cause it would be one of those deals of the year!
I tried one of the drill pumps back a few years ago and could not get it to prime. I use hand pump to the remote hose end and love it. Whole oil change is maybe 30 minutes or less.
The one from iboats is only the repair kit, went back and read it after hooking up the link. I did order this one from Discount Marine tho, still around the same price as the hand deal but has a nice container to try eliminate messes.
I wanted an electrical pump to drain the trans better, that calls to be changed almost as much as the oil in the manual! What fluid is it tho? not listed in manual.
Its listed in the manual for the motor, PCM manual. I looked at the ones on the top of the site here for '13 it was on page 28 of the .pdf. I am not sure what transmission is in your boat. PCM Dexron III Automatic Transmissions Transmission Fluid (ATF) or equivalent