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I have a 13+13 cupped RH prop that my brother bought for me thinking it would fit my boat (2000 Sport Nautique). I was told this would work for a 2001 however not for my boat. Any 2001 experts know if this is true?
I am not sure. It seems to me that the 13x13 size was used on boats that had a 1:1 transmission. Your '01 boat probably has the 1:1.23 PCM tranny and thus the 13x13 would not be a good match. I would think the 14x16 to be more appropriate. Call Jim or Todd at ACME, 888-661-ACME
Thanks David,
I think you misunderstood my post I was asking if it would work for a 2001 SN and possibly what years. I looked up some previous post and the 13/13 is what the others are using on 2001 also that is what WCCC suggested. I was selling it and I wanted to make sure the person buying it was getting what they needed.