Repair for Dead Gauges on 2000-2002 Nautiques Caused by Failing Teleflex Gauges

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  • jeclarke
    • Sep 2008
    • 57

    • Unknown

    Originally posted by MDerenthal View Post
    New owner of a 2001 SAN and new PN member (awesome site BTW). Anywho... I THINK I'm fairly up to speed on the digital Teleflex issue (both my digital speedo and tach have failed) and I've tried to read all of the threads on this matter, but if I'm not wanting to install a PP system, nor a GPS speedo, nor a paddle wheel, does anyone have experience w/ just installing an inexpensive new analog speedo (about $30) that ties into existing pitot line system? And any idea if I can tap into existing pitot lines that are running into the gateway box (haven't located that gizmo yet) b/c as I understand it there is not going to be enough excess tube length to run from the gateway box up to my new speedometer. Or should I run new lines all the way back to my pitot's at the stern?

    Any insight appreciated!
    I have a 2001 year ski and replaced the gauges last summer. I ran new tubing from the gauge to 1 of the pitot tubes. You will need to plug the unused pitot and any of the existing tubing you cut. If you don’t do this water will enter the boat when moving forward, not when docked. I found this out after spending hours figuring out why my bilge was much wetter than usual.

    Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique


    • MDerenthal
      • May 2018
      • 7

      • FL

      • 2001 SAN

      Okay thanks Jeclarke. Timely response as this happened to me just yesterday: We got a rope around the prop during which the starboard pitot line apparently got disconnected from the pitot pickup on the back of the boat. I didn't realize this until this morning when I noticed that a steady stream of water was still draining out of that pitot line (about 10 hours after I raised it out of the lake. That seems like a lot of water that was inside my boat somewhere!) Upon closer examination I'm realizing that the other pitot line is not actually connected to the pitot pickup male outlet, but it has instead been attached to one of the pitot pickup mounting bolts. So I'm guessing the other one was attached similarly, which was someone's way of "plugging" the pitot lines to prevent what jeclarke described above (I'm boat's third owner so not sure of history on this).

      If you're still reading this... two things I'm trying to figure out: First - I've got no idea where all that water went. Any idea where that tubing runs to once in the boat? From what I'm reading it ultimately ends up at the mystical gateway box that supposedly exists somewhere in my boat. But second question is... does that tubing from both pitot pickups run directly to the Gateway box or do they join a single line somewhere which then runs to the gateway box? B/c if that's the case my water entry point inside the boat could be at spot where the two tubes come together.


      • SANrobbo
        • May 2018
        • 21

        • Wollongong Australia

        • 2001 Super Air Nautique

        i have read this post over and over again. I have 2001 SAN and have had it for 10 months, I'm now starting to clean it up and get it ready for our next Aussie summer. both my speedo and revs tacho has not work since I have had it.I pulled them out on the weekend and gave it ago at fixing them, I ended up cracking the screen on the speedo , i didn't realize that there was a little lip on the metal bracket and just forced it back together and cracked it. I was a little bit more gentle with the tacho first attempt had a faint display come up gave it a few more try's couldn't really get it clear enough to read , will give it one more go to see how it goes as i found some foam that might work better .

        I have a question as I can't seem to get the gauges working I'm thinking of replacing them with the new Faria gauges, The boat has Digitalpro perfectpass but doesn't work none of the buttons work on the gauge, i have a display of revs on it but that's it. now i don't know what to do if I should replace the gauges and when I can afford it replace the Perfectpass, i don't know if i need to have the gauges working for the Perfrectpass to work? I'm not sure what gauges to buy as there is with Perfrectpass and without Perfrectpass? I don't want to buy without Perfrectpass and then when I get Perfrectpass the gauges are no good , but then i don't want to buy with Perfrectpass and the gauges not work till i get . just wondering if anyone has had this problem or not? and if they have what have they done?

        Any help would be good, would like to only do one order form as its over $200 for postage to Australia.


        • killerrkyle
          • May 2017
          • 34

          • Ontario

          • 01 Ski Nautique w/GT40

          I've got the Faria replacements in my boat and also a bunch for water only when underway. No idea where the pilot tubes are??? I've got the floor piece up, seat out and box off. Where do the tubes run?


          • amzoeller
            • Feb 2010
            • 8

            • Wheaton, IL

            • 2002 PAN

            I have an '02 Air with the same problem. Bought a circuit writer pen and hoped to solve it this past weekend. I'm not much of a low voltage electrical guy though and couldn't even identify the "ribbon" cable that others have referred to. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

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            • beamons
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Jun 2017
              • 376

              • Utah

              • 2005 Ski Nautique Limited Looking for a 230 or g23 prev. 1998 Ski Nautique, 2004 Nautique SV211

              Originally posted by SANrobbo View Post
              i have read this post over and over again. I have 2001 SAN and have had it for 10 months, I'm now starting to clean it up and get it ready for our next Aussie summer. both my speedo and revs tacho has not work since I have had it.I pulled them out on the weekend and gave it ago at fixing them, I ended up cracking the screen on the speedo , i didn't realize that there was a little lip on the metal bracket and just forced it back together and cracked it. I was a little bit more gentle with the tacho first attempt had a faint display come up gave it a few more try's couldn't really get it clear enough to read , will give it one more go to see how it goes as i found some foam that might work better .

              I have a question as I can't seem to get the gauges working I'm thinking of replacing them with the new Faria gauges, The boat has Digitalpro perfectpass but doesn't work none of the buttons work on the gauge, i have a display of revs on it but that's it. now i don't know what to do if I should replace the gauges and when I can afford it replace the Perfectpass, i don't know if i need to have the gauges working for the Perfrectpass to work? I'm not sure what gauges to buy as there is with Perfrectpass and without Perfrectpass? I don't want to buy without Perfrectpass and then when I get Perfrectpass the gauges are no good , but then i don't want to buy with Perfrectpass and the gauges not work till i get . just wondering if anyone has had this problem or not? and if they have what have they done?

              Any help would be good, would like to only do one order form as its over $200 for postage to Australia.
              The Tach and the speedo are separate from the perfect pass system, as far as I know. You could reasonably spend the money on the Stargazer upgrade and have speed, tach and PP control and theoretically not need the actual gauges. If I were in your situation, I would go this route. For around 900 USD you could have control and speed and RPMs. Go directly to PP if interested in this route.

              Unfortunately, I am not positive on this however. I know the speed and control come from the GPS but I am not sure how the rpms data is retrieved.


              • beamons
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Jun 2017
                • 376

                • Utah

                • 2005 Ski Nautique Limited Looking for a 230 or g23 prev. 1998 Ski Nautique, 2004 Nautique SV211

                Originally posted by killerrkyle View Post
                I've got the Faria replacements in my boat and also a bunch for water only when underway. No idea where the pilot tubes are??? I've got the floor piece up, seat out and box off. Where do the tubes run?
                You should be able to see where the pitot tubes enter the boat on the stern and then follow them up to the box and or gauges. Sorry I am not as familiar with your boat, but the set up should be relatively the same.


                • JayG80
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 206

                  • Santa Fe, TX

                  • 2007 Ski Nautique Sold 2002 Ski Nautique

                  AMZoeller , the ribbon cable is at the bottom edge of the glass display. Remove the gray metal bezel or frame. See my photos by going the link in post #30 of this thread.

                  Please keep us posted on your results


                  • ag4ever
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • Feb 2004
                    • 1180

                    I just did the gauge replacement and stargazer upgrade. My “original” gauges were still working, but the new ones are MUCH easier to see in the sun. I say “original” because both the speedo and tach were replaced under warranty in the first year after buying the boat.

                    Replacement is almost a simple unplug old, plug in the new ones.

                    I went a bit further and re-configured the location of the various location for each gauge. The only issue with the secondary gauges is that they are deeper than the original. My gauge layout has 2 right above the steering wheel. These 2 fouled the under dash support (fiberglass deck). I had to get some angled autometer gauge adaptors and sand them down to the appropriate thickness and angle. This allowed enough clearance for the gauge and deck. I also bought new deutsch connectors and made a new wiring harness for the dash and replaced the 12 pin molex connector with a deutsch connector. (Why correct craft used some molex and some deutsch connectors I will never know.)

                    The new secondary gauges from white lake have the same deutsch connectors as the original. These are literally plug and play.

                    The speedometer taps into the signal from the perfect pass paddle wheel if you already have one. The original plug for the speedo is cut off. Blue wire is the dash lights, purple wire is positive power, Black is ground. You will need to install ring terminals on these 3 wires to connect to the new gauge. Blue dash lights are spade connectors for speedo and tach, on secondary gauges it is part of the deutsch connector. I installed the speedo fine tune knob under the dash above the steering cable screwed into a piece of blocking in the fiberglass used as a cable tie support. It can easily be reached while driving the boat, but is out of the way and won’t be easily knocked out of adjustment. (I had started with the rough adjust dial on 4, and still need to do more adjustment. I will be trying 3 on my next trip to the lake.)

                    The tach is similar, cut off the factory plug, install ring terminals and connect to new gauge.

                    The stargazer upgrade is even easier, just plug the correct cable into the correct port on the new control box. Only splice or loose connection is the tach signal wire. On my boat, the black wire from the perfect pass signal board is connected to the rpm signal on the tach, the grey wire from this board is not connected. This does not match the instructions from perfect pass. I contacted them to find out how it should be connected, and they said it was common for nautiques of that era to be connected like that, and to leave it connected like it was. (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it kinda thing.)

                    My pitot tube control box was installed on the transom on the starboard side just below the muffler. I went for a clean install, and the hardest part was pulling the box with the wiring out as it is cable tied about every foot along the bilge from the stern to the helm. All in all, very worthwhile upgrade.

                    I still need to replace the ballast gauges, these are all individual wires (brass studs with nuts) with no preterminated connectors. I have not looked at the stock gauges to see if they have the same connectors.

                    If you only have enough money to do one upgrade, go Stargazer first. It will give you all the info you need, and the new multi line display is very easy to read.


                    • Fast351
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 315

                      • Winsted, MN

                      • 2001 Ski Nautique

                      All gauges except depth finder replaced.
                      Here is a pic of my dash with all but the depth finder replaced (I did replace that as well).

                      I grabbed the hours off the perfect pass then ran the hours up on the new tach using a function generator at work. Took about 15 days (360 hours).

                      The clock was hard to find (and this was 2016). It came out of the UK but was a perfect match to the coral gauges...

                      Dash installed

                      With the Faria depth/water temp combo (I had to paint the trim ring black)...

                      I still have the original 4 pack of teleflex gauges for Fuel, Volts, Temp and Oil in case anyone is interested:

                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	615937

                      2001 Ski Nautique / 2007 SV211 TE (gone but not forgotten)


                      • JayG80
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 206

                        • Santa Fe, TX

                        • 2007 Ski Nautique Sold 2002 Ski Nautique

                        I just stumbled across this site.


                        • fsts2k
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 215

                          I had my Teleflex gauges replaced this winter with the replacement gauges from Nautique Parts. The boat has a stargazer PP and I think the dealer did the work but the Speedometer isn't working. I am convinced they can make it work. That said, two questions.

                          1) The tach has a screen on the bottom with the hour meter, it has a flashing block. Does anyone know what that means?
                          2) Is the Speedo only driven by the paddle wheel? I am sure there is a connection from the PP they put in, just wondering as we begin to debug the issue where I should look.


                          • Jaredmc20
                            • May 2023
                            • 8

                            • Indiana

                            • 2002 super air 210

                            I broke my teleflex Speedo recently doing the fix. So if anyone has and old gauge they want to get rid of I would be interested in buying it off of you.


                            • killerrkyle
                              • May 2017
                              • 34

                              • Ontario

                              • 01 Ski Nautique w/GT40

                              I just had to replace my fuel gauge with the faria coral, the speedo and tach were replaced with the faria many years ago after factory teleflex failed.

                              So after doing the fuel gauge I figured I'd go ahead and do the other 3 to match; volt, oil pressure and temp.

                              All seem to work well but I find they give strange readings sometimes.

                              Anything I should look at?

                              Anyone Want the oil, temp and or volt gauge? They all work 100% I have the old speedo and tach which do not work or didn't when taken out.


                              • nipponbikes
                                • Aug 2011
                                • 1

                                • Netherlands

                                • 2006 Sante 210

                                Mister TechBeer! (or anyone else reading this :-) ) we are looking on the forum and we noticed you have quite some experience with the faria bus gauges. the thing is.. we have an 06 sante 210 and suddenly while we were doing some maintenance on the boat we noticed the last two gauges are acting strange, there is a ''ticking'' sound coming from them and they dont iluminate anymore, also the needles are not showing anything. the needle from the temp gauge is bouncing a little bit around at the lowest value if you look closely. the depth meter is showing all kinds of depths suddenly, all over the place. (not sure is this is because the boat is currently not in the water but on the trailer... in the water it worked great but i never looked at it while on the trailer so not sure if this is 'normal'' behaviour )

                                i have made a film of this happening, with the gauges.. can i send them to you by whatsapp or email for instance?

                                would love to hear your opinion about this, most likely bad gauges or something else wrong?

                                Thanks a lot in advance, Kind regards Titus / Kees from the netherlands.
                                Last edited by nipponbikes; 02-22-2024, 05:21 AM.

