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GT40 starts and immediately dies. I mean fires like it should tacks up and immediately cuts off. After a couple of tries it will start like nothing happened.
Any suggestions?
Lots of thoughts, since mine is doing the same thing. Any air that gets into the system will do this, and I've bled the air out at the test port and sometimes that works. I'm in the process of looking for loose hoses....big cause, replacing the cheap $10 relays for ignition and fuel pump. If I don't find leaks, I'll look for loose electrical connections near the battery and then replace the low pressure fuel pump....which many have told me is their cure. Confused? I know I am.
Check the driver ejected safety switch. Disconnect it on the back and put the 2 wires together or use another piece of wire to make sure it has a complete circuit.
Sent from my RM-877_nam_att_205 using Tapatalk
Fuel pressure check would be next on the list. Quick and easy with an inexpensive pressure tester available at any automotive shop.
Sent from my RM-877_nam_att_205 using Tapatalk