I just removed the hard belly tank from my 2007 SAN 210 because it was cracked. I ordered and installed a Fly High center locker/rear seat sac (w705) in its place. I also have an integrated bow sac piggy backed off the belly sac. Has anyone even used the center locker/rear seat sac in place of the factory belly tank in a 210? I have only tested out the fit by filling belly sac with air, (haven't water tested yet) and the belly sac definitely is putting pressure on the locker hatch and walk way deck area. I'm concerned this rubbing/pressure will lead to tearing the bag as it will usually have quite a bit of pressure in it due to the bow sac piggybacked off it. I read a few guys on here have used this bag as belly ballast in 99-06 era 210's which surprises me because I thought if anything a 2007 and after would have more room in the locker area. There is one or two somewhat sharp fiberglass edges/corners that are contacting the bag now that I am going to try to file down smoother. I guess time will tell once I start using it. Thoughts?
I filed down a couple fiberglass corners that the bag makes contact with when full. It really is a perfect fit when full with water. After installing, I filled the bag with air in the garage just to get an idea of fit, and the sides of the bag bulged out a lot, which concerned me. But when filled with water, it doesn't bulge near as much. Fits great, and is about double the capacity of the stock hard tank.