GPS not tracking satellites. Speedos don't work

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  • chpprpilot
    • May 2011
    • 24

    • Enterprise Alabama

    GPS not tracking satellites. Speedos don't work

    I have a 2015 G23 and have had some issues with my speedos that I thought I'd pass along. When the boat is first started up it requires a code. A few times I've asked my son or wife to put this code in and then start the boat while I'm launching it. If ANY buttons are pressed while the computer operated system is booting up then several options will not work, most important of which is the GPS, which provides ALL speed to the boat for wake surfing and wake boarding. I could not find any other references for this problem. In fact, one dealer said that I had a bad GPS "puck" which needed to be replaced. Just thought I'd pass it along to save someone else some frustration.
  • LakeBill
    • Aug 2014
    • 44

    • North Carolina

    • 2013 200V

    My zero off had intermittent problems last year. At one point the nav system would work but the speedo would not. Eventually, nothing worked. My GPS antenna, or puck, had to be replaced. No problems since it was replaced.

