There was an apparent fire aboard my 2000 Super Air Nautique. The problem is I can’t find any evidence of the fire, and all systems appear to work. Here’s what happened. While going about 35mpg, I started smelling smoke. I looked around a bit and then saw smoke coming from around my feet (I was driving). I’m not sure if it was coming from the heater vents or around them. I stopped the boat, killed the engine, alerted the passengers, and opened the engine compartment lid. I saw smoke coming from the starboard side forward of the engine. It did not appear to be coming from the engine. I believe it was coming from forward under the gunwale. Perhaps drafting back from where I originally saw the smoke. The whole event lasted only about a minute from the time I smelled the fire. I thought perhaps it was one of the two audio amps mounted behind the board under the dash, but the amps appeared to still be working. I suspect the heater system, but the fan is still working. The heater was used not long before the fire, but not at the time of the fire. Call me stupid, but we continued wake boarding for another hour or so with no issues. Does anyone have any idea what it could have been?
Thanks, Daniel
Thanks, Daniel