I have a V-drive 2003 210...time to replace the manifolds and risers ..WIth the ballast tanks next to the manifolds do I need to remove the tanks or can I do the job with them in place. I'm sure somebody has already asked the question, but any pointers for the job. Thanks
I hope I remember this correctly...and assuming we have the same tank set up.
After undoing the little brackets, and top hose at the back....pick up the back (large end) and stand the tank up so you can take off the hose on the bottom before removing the tank. Kinda akward so be careful, you can do it alone but I imagine a helper would make it a lot easier.
Don't forget that installation is reverse of removal...if you try to put the back end in first then there is not enough room to bring the front down.
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2013 SAN 230
2006 SSN 210 (SOLD)
Probably obvious here but Don't forget to drain your water out before removing the manifold and risers. It may also be good idea to remove the header with the riser still on it, less chance of debris or water falling into the exhaust ports
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
2013 SAN 230
2006 SSN 210 (SOLD)
Thanks for the pointers... I got both risers off and fighting 2 bolts on one manifold that are rusted bad and 3 bolts on the other manifold. I ended up taking the ballast tanks out and broke a ballast pump housing. Going to try and cut the bolt heads that are giving me trouble now that I have more room to work. What a pain!!
I have a little over 800 hours on it. I think the previous owner changed just the risers.This past sunday I decided to change the plugs since I havnt done so since I have owned the boat (5 years) that's when I noticied the rust on the manifolds and I told myself it's due now... before I get water in the engine and stranded in the water one weekend.