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They're not technically handles, this pic shows that there just slats cut into the original non lengthened platform. I made a jig and cut w/ a router, sanded and oiled. It was like a 30 min job. Just measure where you want them and go for it.
2008 Super Air Nautique 210
2003 Super Air Nautique Team 210
2001 Super Air Nautique Team 210
1999 Super Air Nautique 210
1994 Mastercraft Prostar 190
1992 Manta Ray 189 Sport
Call a dealer, order a dozen, you will replace them over and over and over. We had one missing when we bought our boat, the guy who sold it to us had replaced on of them already, the other broke off. Maybe I should order a set each season with my impeller??
On a side note, it takes 2 friggin seconds to pull the platform, so those holes are a convenience that turn into an inconvenience when the plastic becomes lake trash.
I like the grab handles, may put some in when I build a transom saver that covers the holes and prevents boards from dinging the gelcoat. If I ever have to use the lift rings I will be forced to remove the platform.....OH THE HUMANITY!!!
Why would you need to use the original plastic cups?
If or when mine fall off, I will probably make a boot out of tent material or vinyl etc that will snap to snap I would put in the hull and swim platform. That way I can pull them off if I want to use the lifting rings from below for any reason, and I still have the benifit of slowing water and exhaust from climbing the transom.
How many people have actually had to use the lift rings and how many times were they needed. Would taking off the swimstep be a better solution than replacing those molded plastic thingies 10 times over the life of the boat??
As a side note, taking off the step is 3x faster than replacing that cup.
PLBC, its very solid, i did the same thing to my 93SN and it was solid til the day i sold it.
Jeepn is right, eaiser to grab on when floating by, we boat on the Colorado River so there's always a current to deal with.
BKH, Hard to explain...its kind like rock climbing without finger holds, its soo much eaiser to climb with something to grip. If you had the oportunity to try you would notice a significant difference.
...and it is still solid :grin: Best platform modification ever! When floating off the stern of the boat enjoying a cold one, it makes a perfect handhold.