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I Hate These Plastic Helm Ballast Valve Controls!!! Anyone find a replacement?
I put 3 of these in: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-24V-1-2-B...item4d460dbdab. But, they seem to restrict the flow significantly. Work great though. Don't have to touch anything but the button! Wondering if the full bore 3/4 ball valve will be better. Going to give it a try.
Any update on how these worked? Could you wire them in parallel with the aerator pumps?
I'm running 3 of these for my setup: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Works much, much better than my solenoid setup that I was running since they are full bore 3/4" ball valves. Essentially the width of the hose.
I run the Tsunami 1200 gph aerator pumps. This setup will work if you have a ballast system with two pumps per bag/tank (one to fill and one to empty).