What is the minimum height for a garage door for a 220 SANTE with flight tower folded down?
There are a few variables that might affect this, like which brand trailer it is sitting on. Some manufactures have the boat sit more "in between" the tires and some have them on higher bunks that elevate the boat to clear axles/cross members, or fenders. If you know what kind of trailer it is on, you might be able to get a little better idea. Eagle trailers are known for having taller bunks, where the Ramlins have the boat sit much "deeper" in the trailer frames, but they used axles and cross members that the tubes come in and drop down to clear skegs and the shaft.
Another thing that might change it, is what trailer jack is on it. I needed to gain about 1/2" to completely and cleanly clear the garage door rubber seal, so I found a different trailer jack wheel that is a smaller diameter (so the tower ends up lower), but still has enough lift height to get it on the ball on the hitch.