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Will a 2006 220 SANTE with the Flight Control Tower folded down fit into a garage with a door height of 6 feet 9 inches?
Looking to rent a storage unit?
Refer to Nuke's response on your garage height thread.
My 206, which is not nearly as tall of a hull, needs an 8' opening with tower down. Doubtful your 220 will fit in a standard 6'-8" opening even if you remove the folding section of the tower.
I just managed to fit my 220 in an 87" garage for the winter, and it took all the tricks I know to make it happen...
Ended up putting smaller wheels on for storage (15" instead of the 20" ones that came with the Illusion trailer) and I had to let all the air out of them.
Also used an 11" drop hitch to get it as low as possible.
Glad it fit, because I don't think there's any way I could have gotten it even an inch lower
I just bought an 06 220. My garage door is just under 7 ft tall. I was able to get it in the garage. Took the front tires off the trailer and set the axel on dollies. Then I had to lower the tongue onto another dollie.
cut a 12" door opening and leave the tower up. This will also make for an interesting winter centerpiece to your living room! Also, your tower speakers are probably just as good as the home stereo for surround sound with movies