Have a 2003 SANTE w/ a tandem Dorsey trailer. Trailer brakes do not work. Nothing but rusty sludge in the reservoir. Searched the site but couldn't find anything useful. Is there a forum post here or elsewhere that shows how to flush that gunk out? Figured I needed to flush it out and replace with new a couple of times and see if that would get the brakes working again before tearing down the hitch and rebuilding it all.
If you have drum brakes and your 03 Dorsey trailer has the same parts as mine, then this video should show you how to replace the master cylinder and at the end of the video it shows how to bleed the brakes. If you don't want to replace the master cylinder, then you could use a turkey baster or something similar to suck the dirty fluid out of the reservoir then bleed the brakes. I had the same problem with mine when I bought it so I replaced the master cylinder and shock. It worked great afterwards, but 2 years later I need to replace the drum assemblies.
The only difficult part for me was that the 90deg fitting between the back of the master cylinder and the brake line was not possible to remove from the old master cylinder without destroying it. ETrailer(the place who made the video) didn't have the part, and I had to go to 3 or 4 local auto parts stores before I found it.Last edited by beach; 03-28-2016, 07:51 PM.
I ordered and replaced many parts (disk/hubs, UFP calipers, bearings, inner and outer seals, vault grease, new brake lines, and a master cylinder) from these websites when I rebuilt my 07 Phoenix Tandem last winter. I think the previous owner moved the trailer 2 miles a year and the calipers were frozen and the bearings sounded like crap, nothing like trying to stop 10,000lbs. with the truck brakes and seeing your mags suck due to a dragging caliper.
http://www.pacifictrailers.com and http://www.easternmarine.com
I watched a guy (who has a bass boat) rebuild the entire trailer braking system https://www.youtube.com/user/MrAcekoomboom/videos before I got started to know what I was getting into.
Hope this helps,
Love this site thanks for the links! I only have a 5 or 15 mile slow drive to either of my launching points so I'm not real worried about it as it was fine last summer. But things like that not working eventually drive me crazy so I'll probably watch these videos and try to determine where to start so I can get parts ordered and ready in case we have a long stretch of rainy days sometime soon. Then I'll have time to break it down and fix. Again thanks for the info guys!
Originally posted by 4nryde@gmail.com View PostCan u rebuild the UFP master cylinders?
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