2002 196 cracked water strainer

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  • skier2788
    • Jul 2013
    • 4

    • fort collins

    • 2002 196

    2002 196 cracked water strainer

    While winterizing my boat last winter I noticed a crack in the bottom of the water strainer cup. So I ordered a new one and installed it this spring. Finally got the boat out on the lake. It ran well and I didn't think too much about it until I went to pull the plug out and drain the boat when I got home. I just happened to look and notice the strainer cup was empty. Did some investigating and found a crack in the bottom of the new strainer cup. I am looking for ideas as to why it is doing this. 2002 196 with the excalibur 330 and ZO. Any help is much appreciated.
  • shag
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 2217

    • Florida

    You do have the O-ring correct? Never had one crack like that...


    • skier2788
      • Jul 2013
      • 4

      • fort collins

      • 2002 196

      Yes. However I am starting to wonder if it is the correct one. I replaced the O ring last spring. The old one had gotten pretty worn and had some cracks. It was a pretty thick square cut O ring. The new O ring that came was just a regular round O ring. Installed last spring and then this spring found the cracked cup. New cup and four hours on the lake this weekend and new one is cracked almost identically. My guess at this point is that the new O ring is too thin and the metal screen is breaking the bottom out of the cup. Does that seem logical? I went ahead and ordered a whole new water strainer to eliminate that problem.


      • Quinner
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 2246

        • Unknown

        • Correct Crafts

        Is it possible the strainer is not being drained for layup and it is freezing/cracking the cup?? Never seen a "round" rubber O-Ring used, always the flat rectangular shaped. Another thought is the strainer possibly rubbing or banging against something could be breaking it.
        Would be surprised if the screen was related to the problem, just don't think it is rigid enough to crack that thick plastic.


        • skier2788
          • Jul 2013
          • 4

          • fort collins

          • 2002 196

          Can't be a freezing issued. I put this cup on when I unwinterized the boat last week. Up until I dumped it in the lake it never had water in it. I ordered part# 11803 water strainer gasket from nautique parts. I thought it was strange to be a round O Ring.


          • gatorgates
            • Aug 2003
            • 112

            • Springfield, IL

            Not sure if this is your issue, but thought I would offer it. If you are allowing anti-freeze from a winterization project to sit in the cup for any period of time, the plastic will deteriorate and crack. I am not clear on the chemistry, but it happens quicker than you would imagine.

