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Hard to tell where it's leaking from but if you get it out of the water you can loosen the set screws in that collar and slide it away from the packing unit. You should see a carbon faced bearing if it's cracked then that could be your problem. If not could be a loose hose clamp or misalignment in the shaft? Or a pin hole in the cooling hose that is shown in your photo which connects from your raw water hose and feeds raw water to the back side of that carbon faced bearing. I just bought this same drip less packing for my boat. Haven't installed it yet but have looked over the instructions and recall these being reasons for leaks. If it's brand new it could just need to seat the carbon bearing but I'm guessing that's not the case if it's a 2013.
Thanks!...Its leaking from around the peice that the water supply connects to, and that is actually loose....all clamps are tight and no holes. It's out the water so I will disassemble tomorrow.
Looks to me like it's definitely coming from inbetween the carbon faced seal and the draft shaft collar. Try just pushing the carbon face seal away from the collar (compressing the rubber bellows maybe there's just some debri stuck in between the carbon face and the shaft collar? If that don't work then loosen the collar and slide it back away from the packing unit. Check the carbon face for any cracks. If cracked the drive shaft needs to come out in order to replace that carbon faced seal.
Pull your boat out of water before you slide the draft shaft collar back though otherwise you could potentially sink your boat. Compressing the bellows will allow a bunch of water to rush in and hopefully clear any crud that might be lodged on the carbon face.
Also does it leak like that with the motor off? If not you could have some weeds or crud lodged in your drive shaft outlet on bottom of hull. If that's blocked up then there's nowhere for the engine raw water to go while it's being pumped into the packing unit and it could be forcing its way out inbetween the carbon seal and shaft collar....
Great insight, thanks....it is out the water and was running off the hose...leaks the same with engine running or off, less when off. Water does come out from underneath so I'm guessing no obstructions....going to loosen and inspect this evening