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Engine needs to be running, and you must be going above a certain speed. Can't remember the exact minimum speed.
If you have the dealer code, you can put your boat into demo mode to make NSS deploy without the engine running.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
Engine needs to be running, and you must be going above a certain speed. Can't remember the exact minimum speed.
If you have the dealer code, you can put your boat into demo mode to make NSS deploy without the engine running.
I never knew there was a minimum speed before it deployed. Good to know. So it retracts when you let off the throttle to pick up a fallen surfer? If so, that explains why it takes a few seconds of running before the wave forms again.
I really don't see the point in not being able to deploy Til you hit a certain speed . One reason for exactly what Mark J says, the other regarding trouble shoot if you have an issue. How can you check its function?
The only reason I can see is so you don't actually forget to retract when loading on the trailer. I would think a simple option in Linc that could allow you to override the the auto retract/deployment would be the perfect work around and benefit all.
I really don't see the point in not being able to deploy Til you hit a certain speed . One reason for exactly what Mark J says, the other regarding trouble shoot if you have an issue. How can you check its function?
The only reason I can see is so you don't actually forget to retract when loading on the trailer. I would think a simple option in Linc that could allow you to override the the auto retract/deployment would be the perfect work around and benefit all.
Hey that's a good point about it hitting the trailer. I guess it makes sense now that there should be a minimum speed before deployment too.
The NSS will only deploy above and below a certain speed bracket. I think its like 4-12MPH. I think the bigger concern is high speed deployment would cause stability issues and to much force on the screws holding the system in