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It's really not hard to do, if you got the 03+ foam it would be even easier since you wouldn't have to cut the foam. But tracing the pattern and cutting the foam with a razor wasn't difficult at all.
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So as you can see I still need to order the arena and observer seat skins. Should only take me about an hour to do once I get them in.
I also have a tear on the very front of the bow back rest where the Nautique logo is at the seam. I did a temp fix on it before I learned to blind stitch. I'll just pull that and restitch it.
Next big project is to do the floors, not sure what I want yet but think I'll be a "cool guy" and be like everyone else and do the faux teak. It just looks so good!
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Just one comment. Do not forget to warm up vinyl before assembly (for example leave it in a black plastic bag in the sun.) It needs to stretched hard during assembly if you want to prevent wrinkles after one week of use.
Just one comment. Do not forget to warm up vinyl before assembly (for example leave it in a black plastic bag in the sun.) It needs to stretched hard during assembly if you want to prevent wrinkles after one week of use.
Sorry I left that out guys, I would set the skin of the seat I was doing in the sun while I would clean up the seat foam and base. Then go straight into install.
Thanks for bringing that up!
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Now I see your project I have a suggestion that works fine.
Do you see the gap at the entrance of the bow? With a board, some foam and some vinyl you can créate a backrest that will also serve as a wind curtain in winter. I did it for my 220 and it´s very handy and easy to store.