Hello All,
So a couple weeks ago we had four steady days of very heavy rainfall, although my boat had it's cover on, the boat was full of water almost to the floor in the bilge. I pumped out all the water, then once it was dry started the boat. There seemed to be no issues so I shut off the boat and recovered it (currently looking for a new cover). Yesterday I went to head out for a ski and started the boat with no issues, then within about 30 seconds of running it started idling rough and eventually died. I have yet to be able to start the boat. It will turn over fine, barely catch then die. The dash has a digital display of between 10.7 and 11.2 when I am turning it over and the red check engine light is on. The digital display on the dash has a low voltage warning alarm. The analog voltmeter also reads low at all times (starting and with power to dash). Although I know the battery is good, I swapped it out with another one and the issue remains. I wire brushed the terminals as well. If not for the low voltage alarm I would lean towards a fuel issue as it sounds like it isn't getting any as it's turning over. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
So a couple weeks ago we had four steady days of very heavy rainfall, although my boat had it's cover on, the boat was full of water almost to the floor in the bilge. I pumped out all the water, then once it was dry started the boat. There seemed to be no issues so I shut off the boat and recovered it (currently looking for a new cover). Yesterday I went to head out for a ski and started the boat with no issues, then within about 30 seconds of running it started idling rough and eventually died. I have yet to be able to start the boat. It will turn over fine, barely catch then die. The dash has a digital display of between 10.7 and 11.2 when I am turning it over and the red check engine light is on. The digital display on the dash has a low voltage warning alarm. The analog voltmeter also reads low at all times (starting and with power to dash). Although I know the battery is good, I swapped it out with another one and the issue remains. I wire brushed the terminals as well. If not for the low voltage alarm I would lean towards a fuel issue as it sounds like it isn't getting any as it's turning over. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!