I've got a 'new to me' 2005 Nautique 216 and I've been hearing the PP beep from time to time presumably from low voltage. After searching through this site I've learned quite a bit about low voltage issues and what to check, so I've done a few basic checks but didn't find a specific answer to my issue, so posting up. Here's what I've found.
Battery is less than 2 years old, with engine off I see just over 13V on my multimeter at the battery terminals.
With ignition set to run but engine off, I see just less than 13V, say 12.9V on the analogue dash voltmeter and on the digital voltmeter on the tach. When I turn on accessories like blower, ballast pumps etc, I see a voltage drop in all locations so everything seems to match up and I'm not getting a huge drop between the battery and the dash. However, the volt meter within the Perfect Pass always reads about 1.2V less than what's on the dash voltmeters, so when I turn on the blower and one other accessory it drops to 11.2V or less and then I hear the PP beep to indicate low voltage.
I have not yet pulled the dash to look at where the PP gets it's power but assume it is as per the installation manual, so is there a known fix to improve the voltage getting to PP so the drop isn't at least a volt?
Another thing I've noticed and will confirm on next outing is that with the boat in the water and engine running at idle, I still hear the PP low voltage beep. Voltage displayed on the dash is around 12V at idle and jumps up to over 13V once the engine gets a few more RPM and no more PP alarm. Basically the same behavior as my engine off tests when the boat is at idle. Once warm, I'll see 13+V on the dash gauges when at idle. So it appears my alternator isn't really providing any charging power when I first start up the boat and it is as idle RPM, but does so with increased RPM and once the engine is warm. Is this a sign that my alternator is dying? Should it not provide 13+V even at idle RPM when cold? I think I've also heard the PP alarm after we've been skiing for a while and start the engine up after changing skiers, but I'll confirm. Again I only hear it when engine is at idle and voltage jumps up as soon as the RPM increases.
There is no visible sign of problems on the alternator, belt looks good and I don't think it is slipping. If it was I presume I would hear that and also see belt debris around the area.
Appreciate any suggestions.
Battery is less than 2 years old, with engine off I see just over 13V on my multimeter at the battery terminals.
With ignition set to run but engine off, I see just less than 13V, say 12.9V on the analogue dash voltmeter and on the digital voltmeter on the tach. When I turn on accessories like blower, ballast pumps etc, I see a voltage drop in all locations so everything seems to match up and I'm not getting a huge drop between the battery and the dash. However, the volt meter within the Perfect Pass always reads about 1.2V less than what's on the dash voltmeters, so when I turn on the blower and one other accessory it drops to 11.2V or less and then I hear the PP beep to indicate low voltage.
I have not yet pulled the dash to look at where the PP gets it's power but assume it is as per the installation manual, so is there a known fix to improve the voltage getting to PP so the drop isn't at least a volt?
Another thing I've noticed and will confirm on next outing is that with the boat in the water and engine running at idle, I still hear the PP low voltage beep. Voltage displayed on the dash is around 12V at idle and jumps up to over 13V once the engine gets a few more RPM and no more PP alarm. Basically the same behavior as my engine off tests when the boat is at idle. Once warm, I'll see 13+V on the dash gauges when at idle. So it appears my alternator isn't really providing any charging power when I first start up the boat and it is as idle RPM, but does so with increased RPM and once the engine is warm. Is this a sign that my alternator is dying? Should it not provide 13+V even at idle RPM when cold? I think I've also heard the PP alarm after we've been skiing for a while and start the engine up after changing skiers, but I'll confirm. Again I only hear it when engine is at idle and voltage jumps up as soon as the RPM increases.
There is no visible sign of problems on the alternator, belt looks good and I don't think it is slipping. If it was I presume I would hear that and also see belt debris around the area.
Appreciate any suggestions.