I bought a 2000 SAN with 135 (actual hours) for 12k. Went out on the water and had issues the first time out (other than water testing). Now I'm not getting power to the fuel pump. I have had the fuel pump checked and it's not bad, I have also replaced the 2 relays and in line fuses at the battery. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you check your kill switch? I had the same issue on a 98 196 and the kill swtch was intermittently failing. I replaced the switch and its been fine. You should hear the fuel pump kick on when you turn you ignition to the on position before starting. I would start here.
I had to modify the connector (bypass it really) two summers ago when both pumps were misbehaving, turned out that the connector was bad and only supplying power intermittently to the pump.So far the LP pump work like a charm and I added a new HP pump since I replaced the FCC just before this season.Current : 2000 Pro Air Nautique, Silver&Black accents, pulled by 2012 black Chevy Tahoe
Previous: 1990 Ski Nautique