Anyone have tips for proper removal and replacement of a chromax letter?
- Jun 2014
- 119
- Montana
- 2019 SANTE 230 2017 SANTE 210 2011 SANTE 210 1991 454 BFN 1989 SN 2001 Ski Ray inboa
I was concerned about using a heat gun as there are decals and letters too near the work area. Albeit expensive ($40) the 3M Stripe Off Wheel worked exceptionally well on the adhesive. Imho it was worth the money as there is no collateral damage and the removal took just a couple minutes. The next issue I have is that a JB-Weld type product was also used. Any recommendations for removing dried "JB whatever" without damaging the hull?
- Jun 2014
- 119
- Montana
- 2019 SANTE 230 2017 SANTE 210 2011 SANTE 210 1991 454 BFN 1989 SN 2001 Ski Ray inboa
The following is from JB Weld's website....
When fully cured, J-B Weld can only be removed by grinding or filing it off, or by directly heating the product above the 600º maximum temperature threshold.
So the moral of the story is: Don't use JB Weld on your hull.
- Jun 2014
- 119
- Montana
- 2019 SANTE 230 2017 SANTE 210 2011 SANTE 210 1991 454 BFN 1989 SN 2001 Ski Ray inboa
So to bring this full circle... after doing some research I determined that my only real course of action was to sand off the epoxy. Once I had it removed I began progressively moving from course to fine wet sand paper and then finished with polish. It looks perfect however it took me almost 3 hours to do a 5"x7" spot. Epoxy is not appropriate for this purpose.