I knew there was a leak in the v-drive but made sure before we headed out it had enough oil. Started cruising about 10mph when I experienced total power loss, and engine temperature gauge around 180 degress (normally runs between 140-160). Engine oil is full, but v-drive oil says very low. Would the loss of power and engine heating be caused by low v-drive oil? Headed to get more oil, but on vacation and unsure if I should take the boat back out Can anyone help explain why it's doing this? Is it more serious than low v-drive oil?
Yes, loss of power is most likely due to boat going into limp mode (low vdrive oil). I would also imagine with low vdrive oil it is causing vdrive to heat up more than normal. I would not use boat until leak is under control if you are losing oil that quick...I would hate to see you have to replace vdrive unit if you cause more damage.
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Last edited by gmtrainer1; 06-28-2016, 09:20 PM.
Filled v-drive with oil. Started it and the temp began to climb again. I shut it off and let it sit for a while. Went to start again, and engine will not turn over. I get 1 crank and lose all battery power. Turn power switch off / on again, go to start engine, and same thing happens. Seems like something more serious than low v-drive oil. Maybe impeller? Thanks for all the help.