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I'm replacing my headers as you can see they are pretty rusted and ones cracked and the both leak from the gasket. I was wondering what should I use to help loosen these bolts? Or should I just have a mechanic do it?
Look closely and ensure the cylinder heads are not cracked or leaking, look from the center of the spark plug over to the lower portion of the exhaust. Basically above the two bolts on the left in the picture. I had this problem many years ago. I kept thinking it was the upper gasket leaking, and it wasn't. I only noticed after I had applied fresh paint, and the leak was still there. oh yea, and 2 new manifolds. Kept running for 2 more months till I got around to replacing, lazy, and liked to use boat.
use a punch and hammer to give those bolts a good pop right in the middle of the head. coat them with a good penetrating lubricant and let that soak for a while. then use the allen wrenches to remove. be sure to break them loose with hard "pops" on the allen wrench with something like a rubber mallet, or by just using firm jerks w/ur hand. if u were to put a hard constant pressure on them it is very likely that u will strip the head. if u do strip it don't worry, u can pick up a nice bolt extractor set at ur local hardware store and that should get'em out no problem. u may want to try and break them loose by inserting a flat head in the head of each bolt (in a corner of the allen "depression") and hitting the screwdriver with the hammer just to get it started. by ur third one, u will probably figure out an easy way to do it, so just give it a shot. (remember, there is always a solution, so don't give up. just be patient and u should have no problems)
It's likely that one or more will strip out when you try to remove them. Just drill the allen head off and the manifold will slide off. Once the manifold is off the remaining stud in the head sould come out pretty easily since there will not be any pressure on it. Don't spare the penetrating oil, I have pretty good luck with liquid wrench. It's not a bad idea to let them soak overnight. An impact gun is not a bad idea either.