So dropped my cousins boat in the water yesterday. Anytime I can remember it the gauge showed over 14 v when running. After turning on a ballast pump, I watched the gauge drop to 11.8. Confirmed this on the tac digital read out also. While running, I Checked voltage at each battery. Each was at 12.1. Isolation switch was on 1+2. Checked voltage wire at alternator - 12.1. Checked voltage at alternator output - 12.1.
Shut off engine and did the same. Voltage was +/- .2 volts all the way around.
My thought is that the alternator is smoked and that's where I need to start the diagnosis.
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Shut off engine and did the same. Voltage was +/- .2 volts all the way around.
My thought is that the alternator is smoked and that's where I need to start the diagnosis.
Sent from my iPhone using PLANETNAUTIQUE mobile app