G21 2014 with 409 engine. Today the temp raised to 100 and switched off. Restarted after cooling down and raised again so stopped and checked cooling circuit.
Intake filter clean. Heat exchanger clean. Antocooling just a bit low but nothing worrying? Thermostat looks ok although no water came out when I removed it.
Finally removed the impeller and it was destroyed.
I changed it in May and I' ve done less than 100h since then.
My worry and question are....
1. Why?
2. Do you think the impeller destroy is the cause or the consequence of something else?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using PLANETNAUTIQUE mobile app
Intake filter clean. Heat exchanger clean. Antocooling just a bit low but nothing worrying? Thermostat looks ok although no water came out when I removed it.
Finally removed the impeller and it was destroyed.
I changed it in May and I' ve done less than 100h since then.
My worry and question are....
1. Why?
2. Do you think the impeller destroy is the cause or the consequence of something else?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using PLANETNAUTIQUE mobile app