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If the backing is still intact than you just need to reseal the vinyl. A bit of fabric glue to re attach the vinyl to the backing.... any fabric shop can help with this or just use a waterproof gel superglue...... then some 100% white silicone will seal the tear. If the color is an off white like Silver Cloud, just mix a tiny bit of black with the white until color is a match and cover the tear. You should be able to match the color and feather out the silicone so it will be very hard to see the tear and it will be sealed from any further damage. I have used this method with great results.
Using a vinyl repair kit also works but leaves a very hard patch that is much harder to color match.
Also, get yourself a floating cushion and keep it handy to put down anytime someone is ready to step on that area.......after a few times others will realize that you don't want them stepping directly on the vinyl.