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Most recent post i found to clean upholstery was a little... dated... (2009?) My 06 211 is in need of a good cleaning, so what do you guys recommend that isn't going to hurt it in the process?
Totally Awesome Cleaner for a deep clean. Available at any dollar store or typical home improvement store. Follow it up with 303 protectant. The key is to use a soft bristle brush. It really gets in to crevasses with the brush as well as the stitching.
I called Nautique Parts a few weeks ago and asked the same question before I placed my order from them. For cleaning they recommended Z Care and for protectant they recommended 303. A brush may be needed with the Z Care. Either way this combo works amazing. Hope this helps.
I think what I need to do is incorporate a soft bristle brush into my equipment bag for the boat - I've been wiping down with terry cloth towels after each use, but i need something to get just a *little* deeper into the vinyl, especially around logos and accent piping.
I've already been a sworn advocate of the 303 protectant, and use it pretty much everywhere (even have the carpet variety for the cars, too!).
I'll post some before/after photos in another thread once I see how this is going to work out.
Is the totally awesome safe to use full strength on the stitching or should it be diluted ? Do you guys let the 303 absorb on the vinyl at all before buffing it off with other towel?
2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
1989 Sport Nautique
You can use it full strength. . I wouldn't recommend it as a daily wipe down. I use boat bling vinyl sauce for that. But as a ever now and again deeper clean. The TA works great. Used it for 8 years and 1000 hrs worth in last boat. Never had one issue.
Give them good deep cleaning and put some protectant in there before storage giving you a nice protective layer. Leave some canisters of Damp Rid or Starbrite no damp.
Another trick is is to pull cushions out so there are not trapped in place. Let as many of the edges air out. In my old boat I stored the cushions in my basement for the winter . The main key is put the boat away c
I've used Fantastic for years to clean the vinyl. Works great! As others have said 303 is pretty much the only protectant worth getting.
Fantastic Used to be what CC recommended, some years ago they changed their formula and CC took them of the "Nice" list, I would not recommend using Fantastic on your vinyl!!
Safe cleaners/protectants CC lists are LVP Marine ZCare & 303. Personally have used TA with great results & Babes products as well, not sure if they are on the list though.
Went through several cleaners today on the interior, some more aggressive than others. Here's what I used (some of this was done in "inconspicuous spaces" as a test...), all were used with a combination of a clean microfiber towel and a medium/soft hand brush across everything.
Ranked in order of perceived strength:
- Degreaser (from Majestic Solutions, mixed at 5:1)
- Leather and Upholstery cleaner (from Majestic Solutions, mixed at 10:1)
- Fantastic (straight from the bottle)
- 303 cleaner (straight from the bottle)
- Mother's interior cleaner (straight from the bottle)
- Water (control test - did *not* scrub with the brush, only the MF towel on this one)
I used the degreaser on the bead of upholstery along the bottom of the cushions where a 'deeper' clean was needed, and it worked pretty **** well! Why did I decide to try a diluted degreaser? I actually asked the local guys what they used, and they use Mother's degreaser (so does a guy on youtube down in Florida), and some of the undersides of my cushions are pretty nasty, so I figured why not?
The Leather and Upholstery cleaner did a pretty decent job, but frankly there was no perceivable difference between that, the 303, and the fantastic. I only rank them as such based on price (the Majestic product is dirt cheap when you buy by the gallon, and that's what I use on my Audi and Jeep Grand Cherokee, so I've got a bit...). Frankly, I'll probably end up using Fantastic for routine maintenance cleanings, but I am sending an email to Nautique to ask why they removed it from their list.
The Mother's interior was simply too weak to be of any use, and it was arguable as to whether just plain water did any better.