I'm in the process of replacing the flax on my rudder port and have two questions.
This is all on a 2003 SAN
1.) I want to use the new Goreflex flax but, I can't figure out the size? 3/16 or 1/4" The material that came out just crumbled but, measuring it, it sorta looks like it's 1/4"
2.) I had help lowering the rudder once I had the nut off and didn't take note the distance between the rudder and the hull.
This is all on a 2003 SAN
1.) I want to use the new Goreflex flax but, I can't figure out the size? 3/16 or 1/4" The material that came out just crumbled but, measuring it, it sorta looks like it's 1/4"
2.) I had help lowering the rudder once I had the nut off and didn't take note the distance between the rudder and the hull.