I'm a new owner of a 2006 SAN. It have a factory 2 battery setup. Battery 1 has a bunch of wires for the stereo and amps hooked up to it as well as a factory wire. Battery 2 just has one factory wire on it. The first issue I came across was when I have it switched to battery 1 there is no power at the ignition. When I disconnect battery 2 there is no power on the battery 1+2 combo setting. I thought the switch combines power. Does battery 1 only power the stereo accessories etc?
Battery 1 or 2 or both should all have power to the ignition on which ever setting you have it on. I'd start with a volt meter on the batteries to see how good they are and check connections for corrosion and being tight.2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
1989 Sport Nautique
Ok how about checking the battery selector (perko switch) with the volt meter or test light to see where your losing the power? All 3 settings should have power to ignition. On my 06 the battery selector had seperarate wires and breaker buttons for amp 1 and amp 2 and the amps were run from there. Your going to have to troubleshoot and trace some wires down to see where the lose of power is. Start at the batteries and work your way back to starter and ignition to check for power.Last edited by ScooterMcgavin; 02-18-2017, 10:39 AM.2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
1989 Sport Nautique
I'm not sure about 2006, but I know in later years Nautique added a MRBF (Marine Rated Battery Fuse). It looks like this: https://www.westmarine.com/buy/blue-...srmBoCjLnw_wcB
The fuse is the translucent box on top. Check and see if you have this.