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Air guide Speedo removed (GT40 SSN w/o stock dash)
Last year I had GPS PP installed and before that there was a "Water Wheel" speedo. The digital speedo/hour/tacks failed.
Is it OK to remove the Rear air guide pickups?
Most people just plug the old "pitot tube" lines behind the dash and leave the pickups where they are. A golf-tee works really well for this. Cram it in tight and wrap it with tape and you're good.
I'd remove the rear pickups or remove the water lines at the pickups. If the golf tee in the lines fails, as proposed (no offense Charles!), you'll have water spraying inside of your instrument panel.
Note, if you unscrew and remove the pickups, you'll need to patch the holes with epoxy or gelcoat in the rear. This is ideal, but more involved.
[QUOTE=DW SD;n512233you'll have water spraying inside of your instrument panel.
I know it sounds like that would be true, but it isn't. The best you'll get is a drip. I know this because we took one of the airguides out of my 99 and replaced it with a PP. The shop didn't get the golf-tee taped in the old tube securely and it fell out.
I put it back, taped it up properly and it then went 16 years without any trouble.
I know it sounds like that would be true, but it isn't. The best you'll get is a drip. I know this because we took one of the airguides out of my 99 and replaced it with a PP. The shop didn't get the golf-tee taped in the old tube securely and it fell out.
I put it back, taped it up properly and it then went 16 years without any trouble.
Interesting. Definitely not trying to be confrontational... still, I am not sure why taking the dash clamshell apart and plugging the tube there makes more sense than just removing it from the pickup. In my old Air Nautique, I just removed it from the nipple on the pickup and folded it and zip tied it closed.
As many things in life, I guess there's lots of ways to skin a cat!